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1987 September Vol. 3 Num. 4

Conference Attendance Peaks

  Attendance at the Third National 1888 Message Conference peaked at 700, leaving standing room only at the closing sessions. But more significant than the increased attendance this year were the joy so many expressed over the Good News they were hearing and the spirit of unity as ministers and lay members worshipped and fellowshipped together.

  Helpers manning the book and tape displays were swamped as people carried away thousands of books and tapes and ordered more when supplies ran out. The first printing of 5,000 copies of 1888 Re-examined was nearly exhausted by the time conference planners packed up to go home.

  Two new sets of study guides, produced just in time for the conference, equipped even the least experienced layman with the means of sharing the "most precious message” of Christ and His righteousness with family and friends back home.

  Clearly, those who attended left with a determination to share the Good News by lending or selling books and tapes or forming small study groups.

Winnekeag Scheduled Again

  Elder William Brace and Steven Grabiner are planning a second New England Regional Conference at Camp Winnekeag New Year's weekend.

  Those who remember the spiritual feast they shared last September will welcome the opportunity to begin the New Year with praise to God for the great mercy He has so freely given in His Son and to renew the total commitment of their lives to Him.

  Further details about the speakers, arrangements, etc., will be reported in the November Newsletter. In the meantime, for information contact Elder Brace at 29 Turner St., Norfolk, MA 02056. Phone: 617-528-5160.

Cedar Falls Conference Set

  The announcement of the first Western Regional 1888 Message Conference is a call to "A Feast of Fat Things"—appropriately scheduled for November 27-29, Friday through Sunday, just following Thanksgiving.

  Speakers will include Robert Wieland, Alexander Snyman, Gerald Finneman and others. Elder Snyman will hold the first service at 7 p. m. for those who arrive early on Thursday evening.

  The conference will be held at Camp Cedar Falls, a half-hour drive from Redlands in Southern California. The camp has sleeping accommodations for 400, meeting space for 600. The charge of $22 a day includes three meals and lodging (Children 4 and under, free). The Angeles Oaks Motel is 5 miles from the camp.

  The conference will be the first opportunity for Adventists on the West Coast to hear firsthand the messages that have brought such joy to fellow Adventists who were able to attend the National 1888 Message Conferences at Andrews University. To be sure of reserving space and meals, send your $10 registration fee promptly.to Dr. Lorin Cook, 801 N. Tustin Ave., Suite 204, Santa Ana, CA 92705.

Position on Tithing Clarified

  The question arises, What about the tithe? Can it be diverted to encourage the church membership to understand the history and purpose of the 1888 Message?

  The Lord's purpose is always to bless His people. We can conclude that this was His purpose at the General Conference at Minneapolis in 1888. There is no evidence whatever in the Message given at that time that there was to be a withdrawal of membership from the church. Neither was there any direction to change the plan of bringing all the tithes into the Lord's storehouse. The Lord's purpose was to bring the church up on higher ground spiritually, looking forward to the day of final atonement and translation.

  In 1 Corinthians 10:1-12, Paul points out that the experience of Israel was typical of the church in the closing days of time The Lord brought Israel to the border of Canaan but they refused to go in. Then began the 38 years of wandering in the desert until the people were ready to accept the blessing that the Lord had prepared for them.

  The revival of the 1888 Message encourages us to believe that the church will now cooperate with the Holy Spirit in preparation for the final atonement, the return of Jesus, and translation.

  Viewed in this light, the tithe should be turned over to the local church treasurer, the entry point for the Lord's storehouse. We have a clear duty to support the local church in both tithes and offerings. The 1888 Message Study Committee supports this plan without reservation. This is the answer to the question. What about the tithe?

  Let us join together in building up God's peculiar treasure—the Seventh-day Adventist Church that through His purified and sealed people the Holy Spirit can lighten the earth with His glory.

Study Guides Aid In Witnessing

  Like the healed demoniac who begged to stay with Jesus or the three disciples on the Mount of Transfiguration, we who shared the blessed days at Andrews felt a reluctance to leave. But • Jesus speaks to us as He did to His followers 2,000 years ago: "Return to your home and declare how much God has done for you" (Luke 8:39 RSV)

  Whatever misgivings we may have about our ability to share the blessings of the conference, we have the assurance of Jesus' promise to send the Spirit of truth. And we go back to our families, friends, church members, neighbors equipped with fine tools for our task. Since we met last year two excellent sets of study guides have been prepared. In Canada Gloria Lawson, an experienced Bible instructor, and Norman and Joan Barker have produced a set of 32 Glad Tidings Bible Study Guides suitable for both Adventists and non-Adventists. Pastor W. H. Bloom of Kokomo, IN, reports: "Prayer meeting has increased markedly in both churches using these lessons. Our people are really hungry for a deeper experience. We have proclaimed peace, peace, when there is no peace in Laodicea."

  The Barkers purchased an Apple Macintosh computer in order to produce the lessons. They and Gloria Lawson worked under pressure of a deadline to have the lessons ready for the conference. They can be purchased from the Newsletter office (1 copy, $4.50; 10 or more, $3.95.; 20 or more, $3.75). In Canada they may be ordered from Glad Tidings Publishers, Box 480, Burks Falls, Ontario, Canada POA ICO. Request price list.

  The lessons are an expansion of the studies prepared originally by Elder Robert Wieland for his Chula Vista, CA, church, and printed last year as a 15-lesson set. Elder Alex Snyman helped with the final editing so they are the product of several minds working under the guidance of the Holy Spirit to present the truth as it is in Jesus.

  Another set of ten study guides presents the Good News in the setting of the 1888 message. That message still has power to convict and draw the hearts of God's needy people to the Saviour. These guides are especially designed for use in small study groups. It is our hope that hundreds, perhaps thousands, of small groups will begin to meet in homes or churches to enjoy the "most precious message" that will once more offer the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the latter rain.

  The 1888: Good News for Laodicea study guides are available at the Newsletter office for $2.00 each; 10 or more sets, $1.75 each.

Appointment Calendar

Deer Lodge, TN, Sept.23-26

Seminar, three nights and Sabbath Alexander Snyman, speaker.

Meissner Memorial church.


Walla Walla, WA, Sept. 25-Oct. 3

Sabbath and evening services.

Robert Wieland, speaker. Eastgate Adventist church.


Sacramento, CA, Oct. 31

Sabbath morning. Robert Wieland. North Highland Adventist church, 6251 Hillsdale Blvd.


Ocalla, FL, Nov. 13-15

Seminar, Donald Short and Robert Wieland, Rolling Hills—a new church recently organized by the Florida Conference.


Camp Cedar Falls, CA, Nov. 26-29

Western Regional Conference. Speakers: Gerald Finneman,

Dennis Priebe, E. H. Sequeira,

Alex Snyman, Robert Wieland.

For information, call Lorin Cook, 714-541-6533.


Jackson Heights, NY, Nov. 27, 28

Weekend seminar. Speakers:

Steven Grabiner, David Grams. Jackson Heights Adventist Church 72-25 Woodside Ave.,

For information, call: 718-424-4544.


Chicago, IL, Dec. 4, 5

Weekend seminar. Speaker:

Robert Wieland. Korean Adventist church, 300 E. 55th St., Westmont. For information, call: 312-852-9316.


Camp Winnekeag, MA, Dec. 31-Jan. 3

New England Regional Conference Speakers to be announced.

For information, call:

617-870-0498 or 617-528-5160.

Expansion of Workplace Voted

  You would smile if you walked into the residence at 2934 Sherbrook Avenue to see visible evidence of the growth of the work of The 1888 Message Study Committee. The family room has long since been crowded to overflowing with three desks, three computers and printers, a copier, a 72-compartment cupboard to bring order out of the books and pamphlets, and assorted clutter. In the utility room the shipping of book and tape orders competes for space with domestic chores such as laundry.

  In the living room Cathy Hill walks round and round the dining room table gathering the sets of the 1888: Good News for Laodicea study guides. Helen Schaefer, our visiting helper from Germany, has covered the grand piano with tapes of the Andrews Conference, which she is producing and sorting. Even the kitchen table has been commandeered to get out a mailing of book and tape lists. The small bedroom which was formerly a quiet island for study now houses the editor's computer, books and files.

  We rejoice in this tangible evidence of God's blessing on the work that began with the Mohaven meeting two years ago. We are also cheered with the news that a couple will soon join us. The Committee's decision to step out by faith to provide an office and help with the work will make it possible to spread the Good News far more widely and effectively. That faith is undergirded by the generous, sacrificial support from you who are being blessed by a new and deeper revelation of the righteousness of Christ.

From the Mailbox

Brockville, Ontario

  I was thoroughly reconverted at the Third National 1888 Conference. How grateful I am to my Saviour that He would not allow me to perish. His love has followed me to the grave. Oh that we may behold this love and respond with genuine faith and a true humbling of our hearts before Him. I have just finished reading 1888 Re-examined, and my prayers ascend in Christ at least once each day that this book may find its way to the honest in heart and be accompanied by the witness of the Holy Spirit. I pray daily for all our church leaders, and I also make mention of those in the 1888 Study Committee that they will be led into God’s paths. I pray for all those who attended the conference that the light that shone there may illuminate every home and church represented.

Mercersburg, Pennsylvania

  How thrilled I w-as to have someone share with me a copy of the 1888 Newsletter! I designed the book, 1888 Message, in 1980 while working at SPA. Sad to say my sympathies were leaning toward Des Ford. Consequently, I didn't read the book until a few months ago. Thankfully, God is mercifully patient but persistent. Now I rejoice in such wonderful light. I am anxious to share with others this message.


Winthrop, Massachusetts

  I have just recently returned from Southern New England's annual campmeeting...I cannot adequately express how thrilled I was to hear the Message as Robert Wieland presented it I have been an Adventist for almost ten years (a completed Jew, no less!) and had never before heard such Good News.

  I have also been convicted, having discovered that we are indeed living in the Day of Atonement, that I should not be wearing jewelry. I had heard numerous times in the church that one "should not"; however, I had not heard a convicting "because." Poor reasoning, perhaps, but true, nonetheless! Well, thanks be to God, it is now a settled issue. I would like to donate the proceeds (however meager they may be) to the 1888 Message Study Committee. I was so blessed and inspired by what I heard through Elder Wieland, I consider it a privilege to do what little I can to help promote such glorious Good News!

Questions People Ask

  These are some that came in at the recent Conference at Andrews University.

  Is it premature at the present time to begin sharing the good news that the Latter Rain and the Loud Cry are once more beginning in our midst with the sounding of the 1888 message? This is what began in 1888. Isn’t it also beginning again?

  While it is true that "the beginning" of the latter rain and the loud cry was the 1888 message (GCB 1893, p. 377; RH November 22,1892; 1 SM 234, 235), it does not necessarily follow that the reviving of the message now is the same "beginning." Sin has abounded since 1888; the lost sheep has strayed further from the fold. Therefore, grace must "much more abound," and the Good Shepherd must go further in seeking the lost.

  It would be well to be modest and humble in making any claims. There are those who say they are sure they are proclaiming the latter rain, loud cry message; time may prove that they have been naive. We may be too close to the trees to see the forest; let the Lord do the identifying.

  We know for sure that the Lord will not trifle with His people. He will not again give that blessed gift if renewed leadership rejection will only repeat the history of the past. The Lord cannot grant another outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the latter rain until there is full and true repentance for rejecting the gift when He gave it a century ago, any more than He will again send the Jews the Messiah until they repent of rejecting Him two thousand years ago. It is only fair that we do our homework well and become informed of how that "most precious message" was unique and begin to believe it. We have only begun to recover it.

  There are those today who claim that their message goes far beyond the truths of the 1888 message. Ascertain if they are presenting the Good News truths of that message or whether in some cases they contradict it. ”We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history" (LS 196). We have everything to fear if we neglect or deny the 4 truths of our history and reject "His teaching" in the 1888 message. There is every reason for courage and optimism. Nevertheless, we must be realistic in recognizing the preparation that must precede receiving the latter rain.

  Corporate repentance is one of the most beautiful concepts I have heard. It creates the attitude of not considering oneself better than others, but of forgiving and unifying in love. I understand corporate repentance on an individual level. But how can it work on the SDA organizational level? I have been told than in 1973-74 such repentance almost began. Please explain very practically what corporate repentance on the organized church level would involve? Would there be General Conference meetings, Review articles? Please give a scenario.

  Again, we must consider "the way the Lord has led us...in our past history" before we attempt a "scenario" for the future. The Lord sent "the beginning" of the latter rain in a most" precious message" delivered at the General Conference Session in Minneapolis in 1888. The essence of this message was the call of Christ to the leadership of the Laodicean church to "repent" (cf. Letter S24, 1892). It was His plan that the General and local Conference leadership personnel not stand "aloof” or hostile to the message, but heartily receive it. Recognizing and joyfully accepting truth, the entire church leadership would have responded to the leading of the Holy Spirit, and our publishing houses and the Review and Herald would have joined unitedly and harmoniously in the glad work. The laity were ready and would have cooperated. Thus the gospel commission could have been completed in that generation. It wasn't.

  What did not happen then must happen in the future. And the "scenario" will happen because the Lord Jesus has not died in vain. He will yet see of the travail of His soul and shall be satisfied (cf. Isaiah 53:11). He has many honest- hearted people in the Seventh-day Adventist Church who will be loyal to Him and to His truth, even unto death. Corporate and denominational repentance is the work embodied in the antitypical Day of Atonement. Satan is determined to oppose it unto the bitter end. Let us make sure that we do not stand on the enemy's side, either by active support or by default. An unbelieving, wait-and-see, laissez- faire attitude encourages the enemy.

  I am a minister. What if I should be dismissed from the ministry because of accepting and proclaiming this message?

  If you are a servant of the Conference, willing to stifle your conscience in order to curry favor with fallible mortals, you have everything to fear. But if you are a servant of Jesus Christ, ready to suffer for His sake, you have nothing to fear.

  Paul indignantly refused to "please men." "If I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ" (Galatians 1:10). No one is worth his or her salt in the ministry unless he or she has laid all on the altar in devotion to the One who gave His blood for us. Fear of men (or the brethren) is impossible to one who understands and believes the Bible truth of righteousness by faith. Faith in Christ always imparts a noble courage to stand for the right though the heavens fall. And to do it in a kind, Christ-like spirit.

  Yes, you may be opposed, ostracized, even condemned. But remember that "men of power are those who have been opposed, baffled and thwarted. By calling their energies into action, the obstacles they meet prove to them positive blessings. They gain self-reliance. Conflict and perplexity call for the exercise of trust in God, and for that firmness which develops power" (Ministry of Healing, p. 500). Be sure that the Lord must test you if you are to have a part in the glorious finishing of His work. All timeserving men-pleasers will be shaken out of God's work unless they find repentance.

  Some ministers who have had to endure opposition from the brethren, ostracism, condemnation, ridicule and exile to Adventist "Siberia," have found comfort in the Lord's promise to Jeremiah: "They shall fight against thee; but they shall not prevail against thee; for I am with thee, saith the Lord, to deliver thee" (1:19).

  Do your homework; achieve a mastery of the full spectrum of the truths of the "most precious" 1888 message; proclaim unadulterated good news; and pray in a Christlike manner for those who oppose you. And if you know for sure that you are wholly devoted to Christ, you can refuse to let your brethren dismiss you from the ministry. The Lord Jesus will overrule them if you are working for Him.

  I have a question. Please bear with me. I am a young woman who grew up in violence. Home was a place where I was beaten, mentally and sexually abused. By age 6 I began to put to use one of my first lessons from Sunday school—prayer. I prayed fervently every night that the trauma at home would cease, and when it didn’t, I prayed to die. My father was the abuser, and under threats of harsher treatment I obeyed him and told no one what a nightmare life was for me.

  The Lord has reached down and cleared away the intense rage, revulsion and resentment I felt toward my father, through an understanding of corporate repentance. My question is: Will He also purge me from the emptiness I feel? Will He free me from the pain of memories, the deep indescribable regret I experience in recalling my father's struggles with guilt, denial of responsibility and his hopeless death?

  When I hear a child's cry, I cringe inside. Anything that reminds me of those years as a child stops me cold, and I usually have to excuse myself to regain my composure. Does the Lord have a desire to take this burden from me, and if so, how do I give something so deeply ingrained in my psyche to Him?

(a)     Your problem is our corporate problem. "The members should have the same care one for another. Whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it” (1 Corinthians 12:26). You are not alone! You are no weaker than any of the rest of us; apart from the grace of Christ, none of us could have done better than you have done under your circumstances.

(b)     Yes, the Lord "has a desire" to free you from the painful burden of those memories. But to make you a mental zombie with no memory and no susceptibility to pain would not enhance your personality. Happiness is not a mindless, vacuous euphoria. A grand piano makes beautiful music because its strings are under constant tension. The Lord does not propose to remove your memory tensions, but to give you strength from Christ to bear them in such a way that your life makes music by triumphing over the pain.

(c)      He may permit you to carry painful memories for the purpose of enabling you to comfort others. Read 2 Corinthians 1:3-6.

(d)     Think of the painful memories Christ must carry of the sufferings of His cross—the cruel rejection, the heartless scourgings, the mockery, the abuse, the pain, the horror of that great darkness, the guilt He felt as He was ’'made to be sin for us, who knew no sin.” Does He forget all that? No, He remembers it but also triumphs over it Thus He can "succor" others (Hebrews 2:18).

(e)     Hold your head high, for you are a partaker of Christ in His sufferings. Accept the comfort for you in Colossians 1:24. "Of all the gifts that Heaven can bestow upon men [and women], fellowship with Christ in His sufferings is the most weighty trust and the highest honor" (Desire of Ages, p. 225).

(f)      How can you "give something so deeply ingrained in your psyche to Him"? As your High Priest, Christ is your divine Psychiatrist. You could go to an ordinary psychiatrist and pay $80-$ 100 an hour. He would listen as you verbally articulate all your fears, horrors and resentments. Such therapy would run into weeks and months. But Christ charges you nothing, and He does a better job. On your knees, verbalize and articulate these memories and fears. Learn from Job, David and Jeremiah, how to pray. Out with everything before Him alone! Guard against the tendency to lay the burdens on other people—they can’t endure them. Unload all the evil onto the divine Sin- bearer. I guarantee that He will listen and He will respond. He will give you peace of heart, but with it He will give something vastly more precious—compassion and understanding of how to comfort other people. (1 Peter 5:7-10; Psalm 37.)

Ten Year Search Ends At Andrews

  We are sharing part a letter from a woman who first heard Elder Wieland speak on the Good News of Christ and His righteousness ten years ago.)

  It’s been a few days since the momentous 1888 meeting at Andrews....In 1977 you spoke to us at a workers' meeting....A doctor’s wife and I left those meetings day after day to weep and pray. We were perplexed, uncertain, confused. Was this really true? We had to be certain. We spent hours, days, and months trying to grasp it and to study it out.

  Then about two months ago my daughter-in- law sent back the tapes from those meetings, and I started listening to them all again....This time there was no confusion, only tears of joy at the beauty of the message....! Finally understood it perfectly, I felt, from the very tapes I heard at first. So I do not think the reason was the messages or the presentation or that I didn't want to understand or that I didn't pray or study to try to. God has been unfolding it all step by step until finally He had brought me to where I was ready once again to hear the message presented and this time I was able to understand it completely and accept it. Praise the Lord! I’m so happy. Finally all the pieces fit together and what has been missing all these years is found....

  Perhaps the reason I could not understand the 1888 message all these years was because I did not understand the nature of Christ until now....I do believe that Satan has tried to keep us too busy to study enough

  Kristina called me to tell me of the meetings at Andrew's. So that is why I w*as there. I can't be thankful enough. At those meetings the last vestiges of question were answered and I felt free to accept it all completely....

  I was amazed at how God blessed in the Sabbath afternoon meetings. At first I was very concerned when Lewis Walton was not going to be there, and I saw so many pastors and Andrew's teachers coming to that meeting. But I think it was in the providence of God. The answers the panel gave to questions were just what our men needed to hear. What a blessing! I was so thrilled to hear- the heartfelt love for our church that came across in that meeting and in the one following. Many people stayed by to hear it who at first only came to hear Lewis Walton.

  I am ordering several tapes of that Sabbath afternoon question-and-answer period and of David Gram’s sermons to send to some of our denominational leaders that I know who have felt a prejudice against these meetings and against any self-supporting group. I believe if they once see the love your group and Hartland have, and the loyalty to our church, that the barriers will be broken down and the message of Jones and Waggoner and the truth of righteousness by faith will finish the work in a very short time. May God bless you as you carry on.

New Covenant Includes Health

  (The following excerpt has been selected from the paper Dr. Robert Dunn presented at the Andrews Conference.)

  It would be helpful for every Seventh-day Adventist to review the chapter on "Health" found in Spiritual Gifts, Volume IV, published in 1864. The chapter records the first comprehensive overview and instruction on the basic principles of health given by Ellen G. White after her historic vision at Otsego, Michigan, on June 6, 1863.

  Considerable instruction is given on the causes of disease; also, simple natural remedies are presented that will not only prevent disease, but are useful treatment as well. Many are naturally interested, in these health concepts, but closer examination reveals that there is more of special value for us in this chapter. The major emphasis is on the necessity of establishing a covenantal relationship with God for true restoration of health. It is necessary to change the attitudes of the mind and receive divine power to overcome deeply entrenched habits before there can be much progress in achieving good health.

  An example of a covenant with God can be found in the Lord's deliverance of His people from Egyptian bondage. At Mt. Sinai, God made a covenant with the Israelites. The terms of the covenant were simple, "He promised to be their God, and to take them to Himself as His peculiar treasure." He would supply bread from heaven and purest water out of the flinty rock. Besides, if the Israelites obeyed the terms of the covenant, "He would put no disease upon them." It is obvious that this was not only a spiritual covenant, it was a covenant of health, for health and spirituality were not separated. Such a covenant forms the basis of every relationship between God and man....

  There was also a covenantal relationship between God and man in the Garden of Eden before sin was found in the world....The terms of the covenant were plainly stated by God, for it says in Genesis 2:16, 17 "...Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." In short, all the blessings of life and continued existence under the protection of God were conditional upon obedience to God's will and His law....

  Curses were pronounced at different times upon man and the earth because of the sins of Adam and his descendants before and after the flood. On the other hand, blessings are described in the books of Moses for God's people, which are based upon obedience. Thus blessings and cursings are conditional upon doing or not doing the will of God. This describes the law of cause and effect, a concept so often emphasized by Ellen G. White. This seems elementary to many of us, but it is really a difficult concept for rebellious man to understand....

  When a man comes to the place where he can understand the conditional nature of receiving blessings and the harmful results of disobedience, then he can start taking constructive action to change his behavior....

  Through the Atonement of Christ any man who believes can have restoration of his relationship with God, every person can have a new covenant experience with his Saviour and Creator. Thus healing of the body and the soul can occur for everyone who makes a choice to be humble and serve God.

  Many lessons can be drawn from this chapter by Ellen G. White on "Health." Often she reminds us that violation of the laws of health is a violation of the moral law of God. God’s covenant with man involves every aspect of his nature—his body, mind and spirit, for man is a unit and not a composite of parts. Therefore, health and spirituality cannot be separated. God’s covenant between Himself and man is also a covenant of health. When we seek for restoration of physical health, it includes seeking for spiritual health. These concepts form the major message of this chapter from Spiritual Gifts.

  (Copies of Dr. Dunn's paper are available on request. Please enclose 50 cents for postage.)

The work of building up the kingdom of Christ will go forward, though to all appearance it moves slowly and impossibilities seem to testify against advance. The work is of God, and He will furnish means and will send helpers, true, earnest disciples, whose hands also will be filled with food for the starving multitude. DA 370

White Estate Issues 1888 Materials

  If you like to do your own research or if reading 1888 Re-examined has sparked your interest in knowing more about that significant era of Adventist history, you will be delighted to know that the White Estate is publishing a four- volume set of Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, which is intended to include everything she wrote on the subject. It includes materials not previously available. Publication date is October 15, and the books should be available shortly thereafter in your ABC. ($34.95 a set.)

SS Lessons Helps On Tape

  Elder Alex Snyman continues to record his commentary on the Sabbath school lessons emphasizing the "most precious message" of righteousness by faith. A set of seven tapes is available each quarter from American Cassette Ministries, P. O. Box 922, Harrisburg, PA 17108. (US$16 per set, including postage.)

Committee Members Move

Two members of The 1888 Message Study Committee have new addresses:

Elder Robert J. Wieland, 2065 Combie Road, Meadow Vista, CA 95722 (Phone: 916-878-2444).

R. J. Gravell, 1305 N. Alabama Avenue, Deland, FL 32720 (Phone: 904-738-1888).

1888 MESSAGE NEWSLETTER 2934 Sherbrook Dr. Uniontown, Ohio 44685


  We are committed to the support of our beloved Seventh-day Adventist Church. Specifically, all tithe is to be paid to the local church where we hold membership. We support financially the local church, the Sabbath school and other denominational programs.

  The 1888 Message Newsletter is distributed free of charge. Those who wish to make tax- deductible gifts toward the cost of 1888 Message publications may make checks payable to The 1888 Message Study Committee, 2934 Sherbrook Drive, Uniontown, Ohio 44685.

Editorial Committee: Helen Cate, Steven Grabiner R. J. Gravell, Alexander Snyman, Sidney Sweet.

1987 September Vol. 3, Num. 4 PDF – CLICK this to download the whole newsletter